Dutch for Children

Dutch for Native Speakers

Dutch as a Foreign Language (NT2) - online 

Courses are taught by teachers who work with established and approved teaching methods for the various groups. These teaching methods are also used by schools in the Netherlands.

            Dutch for  Toddlers            

ages 2.5-4

Objective: In this educational program, toddlers are invited to speak and formulate sentences in the Dutch language. In doing so, their vocabulary is expanded as much as possible. 

In the lessons, the emphasis is on 'playful' activities aimed at the language development of the young child. 

A lot of attention is also paid to social skills through games, songs and crafts. The children learn to play and share with each other. In addition, teachers read many stories to the children.

Teaching methods: "Doe meer met Bas" and "Kleuteruniversiteit".

Where and when: Saturday mornings from 9am-12.15pm at the school locations. See also our school calendar. We also offer an online program. 

Language level: For children who speak Dutch at home and for children who have not yet mastered the Dutch language.

Dutch for Native Speakers  

ages 4-18

Objective: This education ensures that Dutch and Belgian children retain their culture and language, so that when children return they can quickly fit in with Dutch education.

Students can obtain the Certificate of Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) from the age of 16 (sometimes earlier), which offers many advantages for studying, working and living in the Netherlands or Belgium at a later age.

What we offer: Primary and secondary education 

Teaching methods: Kleuterplein, Veilig Leren Lezen,Taalactief, Nieuw Nederlands 

Where and when: we offer online classes as well as classes on campus. Our online classes are on weekdays around 4 pm or on Saturday morning. Our classes on campus are on Saturday morning from 9-12.15 at the following school locations.  Online private lessons are possible too.

Language level: It is necessary for the Dutch-speaking parent(s) to speak Dutch at home with the student as the instruction language is Dutch.

Dutch as a Foreign Language (NT2)     

ages 4-18

Objective: This education is aimed at children who have little or no knowledge of the Dutch language. During the interactive lessons, attention is paid to oral skills, grammar and conversation, so that the student is able to speak Dutch with family members or even study, work or live in the Netherlands or Belgium later in life.  In many cases, students are able to integrate in our Dutch for Native Speakers program. There is also the possibility to obtain the Certificate of Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT) from the age of 16 (sometimes earlier).

Ages: 3-4 year olds, 5-7 years olds, 8-11 years olds and 10-15 year olds, 16+

Where and when: these classes are currently online on weekdays at 4 pm  and on Saturday morning. If there is enough interest these classes could also be at the school locations on Saturday morning. Online private lessons are possible too.

Language level: No previous knowledge of the Dutch language is required.

Wat ouders zeggen

"Quite a progress!"

"My daughter Lily will soon be 5 and started at the Dutch school at the North Hollywood location a few weeks ago. She is in the 4-5 year old group with a super nice teacher and really enjoys going to class! Although her knowledge of Dutch is still limited (I am the only one who speaks Dutch at home), I can already see progress! I guess the unbridled enthusiasm of the teachers has something to do with that too!!! We are very impressed by the professionalism with which the lessons are prepared and taught and hope to have a very nice year ahead!"

"Such good quality! Connecting to the Netherlands very well"

"Mijn zoon Max is vorig jaar begonnen op de NL school in Noord Hollywood. Hij startte bij de kleuters en gelijk al na de eerste les was hij helemaal weg van zijn juf. Zij maakte de lessen tot een feest en het leren van NL woorden tot een avontuur.  Inmiddels is Max 6 en is hij doorgeschoven naar groep  groep 3a en wij als ouders zijn erg onder de indruk van de kwaliteit van de lessen. Binnen een week was Max niet alleen met woorden aan het spelen, hij had ook zijn tegenzin tot zelf lezen overwonnen.  Voor ons is het dit jaar belangrijk dat Max zijn Nederlands goed op peil houdt, omdat wij een groot gedeelte van het volgend jaar in Nederland zullen wonen en hij daar dan ook naar school zal gaan. Gezien het niveau van de lessen hebben wij er alle vertrouwen in dat hij een goede aansluiting zal hebben op de lesstof daar."

A father about our online 'Dutch as a Foreign Language' program

"Emma is 7 years old and is really enjoying herself at the Dutch School of SoCal. She loves the curriculum with the funny stories and nice songs. In just a few months she has learned enough Dutch to have short conversations with family and friends. "